I've created this blog to vent my thoughts and feelings about why Republican and Libertarian principles are better for the United States of America and it's citizens and why the Democrat/Liberal agenda is distasterous in the long term. I am calling myself a Libertarian nowadays, though I will continue to always vote Republican unless a competing Libertarian is likely to win. For example, in the last election, I voted for John McCain for President, because a vote for the Libertarian candidate would have been one less vote for McCain and therefore gave Obama the advantage. Too bad some of us can't communicate our complete set of principles and wishes in the voting booth. Voting for only one candidate or another is crude, but we should appreciate that we can vote at all.
Though I am not particularly religious at this point in my life, and I actually do concede that some right-wing religious folks have some dangerous attitudes, I will gladly side with them,
any day, to vote Republican. The left-wing attitudes are even more dangerous. As the saying goes, the enemy of my enemy is my friend.
I believe Republicans tend to have a "true patriotism", intolerant of left-wing nutcase traitors, whereas Democrats/Liberals more often sympathize with these traitors.