True Freedom for the USA!

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Stock Market Plummets in Reaction to Obama!

The stock market plummeted something like 12% in the two trading days following Obama's election. 12%! That is an enormous drop for market averages/indexes.

It kinda says it all, doesn't it? Those who live and breath finance and economy are scared to death of what Obama will do to the economy: socialist and liberal programs that will not work, new taxes and regulations that will kill hope, ambition and innovation. Now we're pretty much guaranteed a second Great Depression. Hope all you Obama voters are happy with it. You deserve it. The rest of us don't.

Don't panic... that's not good for you or the country. Forget investing in stocks, at least in general. There will be a few good stocks out there, but more rare, for sure. You better have something pretty close to inside information or special knowledge, because otherwise stocks are a bad bet under Obama. This is basically what Jim Cramer, the "Mad Money" guy said... and Jim's a Democrat!!! I know... ain't that funny, ironic and all? He's saying Obama will gut the stock market yet he's voting for him? May that make sense in another universe, but not mine. Anyway, if Mr. Cramer says this, and he has motivation to make Democrats look good, then you better believe it. What should you invest in? Your own business or real estate. Buy real estate at rock-bottom prices with less-disputable value. Start a strong, profitable family business, if you don't have one already and do whatever it takes to make it work. Don't be passive on any investment. Whether the economy is good or bad, it always pays off to do whatver you can to make your money grow faster. You'll still be able to build wealth in this economy... you'll just have to work much harder and smarter.

Oh yeah, and if the country continues to move to the left, start planning on what other country you should move to within a few years to protect your wealth and financial rights. As McCain mentioned a couple times, the US is no longer the most attractive nation to do business in, and entrepenuers and large companies are starting to figure this out. Just like most dot-coms decide to incorprate in Delaware instead of the communist state of California, businessmen will more and more start up or move their businss operations and investments to less parasitic nations. This is another concepts that Democrats do not understand at all. What are you going to do, Democrats, shoot them as they try to escape with their businesses and money? Hmmm, sounds like other communist entities I remember. The exodus has indeed already began, and will only get worse unless the US can guarantee lower business taxes and regulations.

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